Join us at Equipping Catholic Families for the first ever Year of Faith Link Up! Add your reflections, activities, Catechism teaching strategies and other Year of Faith posts here and help us build an awesome resource!
Do you have activities, crafts, celebrations or reflections on any of the awesome OCTOBER saints?
Please link your ideas at Cele-LINKY with the SAINTS: OCTOBER
and check out the ideas of other Catholic Bloggers!
Watch for a Cele-LINKY: ALL SAINTS Edition coming soon at Equipping Catholic Families.
Monica is a wife, Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter who thinks it’s cool to be Catholic! Check out the Arma Dei Shoppe for solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith and subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families for family-building and Faith-centred crafts!